PinnedSolving Small Data Object Detection by Metric Learning using Attention-RPNPrerequisite: deep learning CV, object detection, small data problem, few shot learning, meta learning, metric learningApr 20, 2022Apr 20, 2022
Using Regular Expressions in SQL for Text NormalizationText normalization is a crucial step in data preprocessing, ensuring that text data is consistent, standardized, and ready for analysis…Jun 26, 2024Jun 26, 2024
Using ChatGPT&Mermaid to draw a flow chartUsing ChatGPT to draw a flow chart is like using a hammer to cut a cake. Sure, you can do it, but it’s not the best tool for the job…Jun 7, 2023Jun 7, 2023
What FREE GPU resources do you have except Google Colab?With the increasing popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) over the last few years, the demand for GPUs has…Feb 25, 2023Feb 25, 2023
How can I make a discord chatbot with ChatGPT?The following steps are generated by ChatGPT @.@ …Dec 6, 2022Dec 6, 2022
小資料系列三- Optimization-based Meta Learning前篇這次我們來講一下使用Optimization based Meta Learning來解決小資料問題的部分。Feb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
Published inTaiwan AI Academy小資料系列二-Metric-based Meta Learning後篇經典Metric-Based Meta Learning介紹Dec 21, 2021Dec 21, 2021
Published inTaiwan AI AcademyAIA紙本資料辨識經驗分享制式的紙本資料常常被用來傳遞、儲存資訊,像是履歷中會有個人的姓名、學歷等等資料,會被人資部門收集起來建檔。雖然在電腦上可以直接從資料文檔擷取資訊建檔,但有些場合還是有匯入紙本資料的需求,大致可以分為文本和標籤這兩種。文本資料擷取的情景可能是印刷物需要紙本認證像是營業登記證等等文本…May 5, 2021May 5, 2021